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  • It Came From the Tabletop! - Unmatched: Cobble & Fog, Railways of the World and Pan Am

It Came From the Tabletop! - Unmatched: Cobble & Fog, Railways of the World and Pan Am

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It Came From the Tabletop! - Unmatched: Cobble & Fog, Railways of the World and Pan Am

In an attempt to bring a quick end to the seemingly endless nightmare that is 2020, Josh declares that his Best Games of Year list is ready with Unmatched: Cobble and Fog and Pan Am. Meanwhile Al has revisted an old favorite with Railways of the World (aka Railroad Tycoon: The Board Game).

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It Came From the Tabletop! - Unmatched: Cobble & Fog, Railways of the World and Pan Am

Josh Look (He/Him)
Staff Podcaster

One night during the summer of 1997, Josh Look's cool uncle who owned a comic shop taught him how to play Magic the Gathering. The game set off his imagination in a way that he could not sleep that night, and he's been fascinated by games ever since. He spent many afternoons during his high school years skipping homework to play Dungeons & Dragons and paint Warhammer minatures, going on to discover hobby board games in his early 20s. He's been a writer for ThereWillBe.Games and is the creator and co-host of the geek culture podcast, The Wolfman's Lounge. He enjoys games that encourage a heavy amount of table talk and those that explore their themes beyond just their settings.


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drewcula's Avatar
drewcula replied the topic: #312422 24 Jul 2020 08:58
I had the opportunity to play-test Cobble and Fog last year. Admittedly, my contributions were moot. It was a pretty polished game by the time I played it. I believe only a few adjustments were made about the fog tokens and some secret passage locations.

My larger point; Restoration Games is totally pro. I've had my frustrations in the past regarding a convention booth set-up, and my disappointment in missing sidekick miniatures. But those issues are minor.

They have a great team assembled. Their production value is top notch. Their games reflect it.
engineer Al's Avatar
engineer Al replied the topic: #312457 24 Jul 2020 22:45

drewcula wrote: Restoration Games is totally pro.

I agree. I'm having hard time resisting this one, and I already have Epic Duels!!
drewcula's Avatar
drewcula replied the topic: #312466 25 Jul 2020 09:54
Epic Duels was solely responsible for me getting back into gaming.
Full stop.

From Epic Duels, it was a short step into Heroscape. Afterwards, there really was no going back.

I still have my copies of Epic Duels & Heroscape. They continue to "bring me joy."
engineer Al's Avatar
engineer Al replied the topic: #312490 25 Jul 2020 22:04

drewcula wrote: I still have my copies of Epic Duels & Heroscape. They continue to "bring me joy."

I get that. Heroscape hasn't been played here in many, many years. Nonetheless, it still feels good to see it sitting on the shelf. Never a "toad", just an old friend.
Gary Sax's Avatar
Gary Sax replied the topic: #312491 25 Jul 2020 22:08
I love railways of the world, it was my first hobby game as I got back into tabletop, I'll be sure to listen to Al's thoughts.
Sagrilarus's Avatar
Sagrilarus replied the topic: #312493 25 Jul 2020 23:57
We have RR Tycoon in our group but I can’t play it. I’ve played three or four times (years ago) and enjoyed it, but there’s five or six guys that have played 30 or 40 times and are complete sharks. The cards turn over at the start of the game and they’re all talking favored strategies and the like. I’m a spectator at best and they get impatient with inexperienced players.

I try to bring the game out when they’re busy or not there, but when the box hits the table they all drop everything to play! They call each other. They just show up from nowhere. I’m boxed out of Railroad Tycoon.

Seems I need to try Unmatched. The game’s title is curious, has anyone considered it? You’re mixing and matching opponents.

You guys are right on the money with level of detail in your exposition. Keeps the show hopping.

I still have my copies of Epic Duels & Heroscape. They continue to "bring me joy."

Just knowing they’re there in the garage brings me joy. I’m smiling gently right now.
engineer Al's Avatar
engineer Al replied the topic: #312502 26 Jul 2020 19:19

Gary Sax wrote: I love railways of the world, it was my first hobby game as I got back into tabletop, I'll be sure to listen to Al's thoughts.

SPOILER ALERT: I love it too!!!
engineer Al's Avatar
engineer Al replied the topic: #312503 26 Jul 2020 19:28

Sagrilarus wrote: I’m boxed out of Railroad Tycoon.

Well that sucks! Playing any less familiar game with opponents who have played a lot is always frustrating, but especially so with a game like this that takes a while to play. Losing for two hours is rarely fun. Similar to what I said a while back about DUNE, this is a game that you need to LEARN with a group. This is a game from a time before everybody had shelves and shelves full of games, because there just weren't that many games to be had! It's a game that is meant to be played over and over with opportunities for new strategies and new understanding as you learn to play. Might I recommend that you play this one with your family? I think you would all have a super time.
Josh Look's Avatar
Josh Look replied the topic: #312781 04 Aug 2020 11:45
I’ll make a much bigger announcement on the next episode, but I’ve started an ICFTT! Discord channel. Our listeners are coming in from all over and I want to give everyone a place to connect with Al and I more directly.

ICFTT! Discord
bendgar's Avatar
bendgar replied the topic: #313412 23 Aug 2020 01:50
I just played my first (and second) game of Railways of the World tonight and wow. This was the first game in a long time that I was able to learn, teach and play competitively (twice) in a 5 hour time period. Thanks for the recommendation. Good game.
mc's Avatar
mc replied the topic: #313428 24 Aug 2020 02:58
Yeah I've been cracking it out the last couple of weeks with my kids. Hopefully it will be the nail in the coffin for TTR which I have never been enamoured with at all.