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Board Games 3759
(Updated: December 15, 2020)
This is an excellent game, an all time great. It's relatively short, plays using the great CDG wargame system and has wonderful themed events. It is a tight tense game as well, if slightly unbalanced. It also has a surprising thematic resonance and teachability that belies its complexity.

While I do have a couple critiques, they aren't particularly serious. It relies almost entirely on card knowledge. For such a highly thought of game I find it surprising how much it relies on many, many plays to reach its pinnacle. Playing between players of different experience is virtually impossible. I also think it misses out on a ton of tension by cycling the cards so little--there is very little "Do I play this now to get it out of the deck?" since you know you will see a card *maybe* 2 times and as low as 1 time.


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